Spinning Stories: inFRINGEment

Spinning Stories is a place-based storytelling series that travels by bike, bringing the audience and performers back to the places where each story first happened. It’s storytelling, it’s public art, it’s a social experience, and it’s a bike ride.

And for this month, we’re bringing you stories about stealing shit. Literally, figuratively, both, whatever – everything’s fair game for a thief, and Spinning Stories plays by the same rules.

That time someone stole your wallet? That time you stole someone’s dignity? That time MPR stole a photo from you? Let’s go there, and let’s talk about it.

Saturday, August 8, 2015
BRING: Bike // Lock // Snacks // Water
COST: Your Saturday Afternoon
PACE: Muppet
DISTANCE: 10-12 Miles
MEET UP: The Fox Egg Gallery, 3730 Chicago Avenue South. Minneapolis