Last evening was my fourth time seeing SIX in St. Paul. Six is a somewhat unique in structure for a Broadway show in that it lacks the traditional progression of scenes with sets and props. It’s more like a reality show concert battle in which the six wives of Henry VIII engage with the audience and “battle” to reclaim their identities from the historical footnotes.  Along with a few group numbers, each wife has her own song with a unique musical style all in the orbit of pop music.  Lyrically, the show is impressive, crafted in a way that captures that witty, smart, and captivating air from Hamilton, but in a package that is all its own. The melodies are extremely catchy and the performers are something to hoot and holler for. My favorite performances were by Kristina Leopold and Kelly Denice Taylor in their respective songs “No Way” and “Heart of Stone.” These two songs are the most vocally challenging of the bunch and were a pure delight to experience live. Overall, there’s enough glitter, bright lights, and high-energy to rock a stadium.  The audience’s enthusiasm wasn’t limited by the smaller size of the Ordway. I wish I brought concert ear protection as it was incredibly loud with all of the well-deserved cheering. It’s a fabulously good time and I can’t recommend enough that you catch this show while it’s in town.

SIX is at The Ordway in St. Paul though July 28, 2024. Tickets start at $56.

Photo by Joan Marcus