HBX Horror Show

Trash Film Debauchery, The Soap Factory and Eat Street Social are joining forces this summer to bring you our favorite 90’s horror flicks! They’ll have horror-themed drink specials to wet your whistle and raise funds for The Haunted Basement so they can make our 10th Anniversary the spoOoOOookiest year yet!

In death there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps… and no escapes!

Sunday 8/14 – come around 8:30 – movie starts at sundown
Eat Street Social Patio
FREE! with all proceeds from Horror Punch sales going to HBX


8/14 TFD/HBX: Final Destination @ Eat Street Social
8/17 The Burning Moon @ the Trylon
8/30 TFD/Indeed: POOTIE TANG with Tape Freaks trailer reel @ Mackenzie Pub
9/18 TFD/HBX: Lake Placid @ Eat Street Social
9/21 The Granny @ the Trylon
10/19 Impulse @ the Trylon
11/16 Prayer of the Rollerboys @ the Trylon