50% off at Brave New Workshop
Half Off Deals is offering a $50 voucher for Brave New Workshop‘s sketch comedy shows and food or drink for $25. Tickets are normally $18, however some shows vary in price. As a reminder, MPR members can obtain 50% off ticket purchases with their membership card.
The newest show now playing at the Brave New Workshop is ‘Obama Mia’.
A President. A Terrorist and his hilarious wives. Seal Team 6. And their laughable hair raising adventures in Abbottabad. The Brave New Workshop, no stranger to political satire, shares their own unique look at the adventures of Seal Team 6 and their mission that ended with a splash! Audiences on both sides of the aisle will enjoy the many hysterical characters that inhabit and invade Abbottabad. *Disclaimer * – The Brave New Workshop does not guarantee that after watching the show, audiences will be able to say, spell or find Abbottabad on a map.